Vector Control of a Single-Phase Induction Machine with Scott-T Connection in the Stator and Estimation of Velocity with Sliding Mode Observer


  • Paulo Cesar da Silva Santa Catarina State University, Joinville – Santa Catarina, Brazil
  • Horácio Beckert Polli General Motors
  • Daniel dos Santos Matos Federal Institute of Paraná, Telemaco Borba and Santa Catarina State University, Joinville – Santa Catarina, Brazil
  • José de Oliveira Santa Catarina State University, Joinville – Santa Catarina, Brazil
  • Ademir Nied Santa Catarina State University, Joinville – Santa Catarina, Brazil



field orientation control (FOC), Induction motor, Scott-T connection, sensorless, sliding mode observer (SMO)


This paper shows a high-performance sensorless driver for an induction machine with a Scott-T connection in the stator windings.
This connection is used to transform a single-phase machine into a three-phase only by changing the winding configuration, increasing efficiency
and minimizing the cost impact. This type of solution can be used as an alternative to the use of highperformance drivers controlling single-phase
induction machines. The motor model using the Scott-T connection is developed and the experimental results of a vector control approach by field
orientation are shown. A sliding mode observer is also developed for estimating the speed of the machine tested.


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Author Biographies

Paulo Cesar da Silva, Santa Catarina State University, Joinville – Santa Catarina, Brazil

born in 10/01/1986 in Joinville-SC, is an Electrical Engineer (2013) and Master (2015) with Santa Catarina State University. He is currently an doctor student at Santa Catarina State University. His areas of interest are control of systems and electrical drives.

Horácio Beckert Polli, General Motors

born in 06/15/1985 in FlorianópolisSC, is a Master in Electrical Engineering (2012) with Santa Catarina State University. He is Senior Motor Calibration Engineer at General Motors Automobiles with 8 years of experience in sensorless/sensored Motor Control Solutions and powertrains, embedded software development and debugging, motor and hardware design support through modeling, simulation and experimental results.

Daniel dos Santos Matos, Federal Institute of Paraná, Telemaco Borba and Santa Catarina State University, Joinville – Santa Catarina, Brazil

born in 05/14/1983 in CuritibanosSC, is an Electrical Engineer (2014) and Master (2016) with
Santa Catarina State University. He is currently an professor
with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Federal
Institute of Paraná and is an doctor student at Santa Catarina
State University. His areas of interest are control of systems,
power electronics and electrical drives.

José de Oliveira, Santa Catarina State University, Joinville – Santa Catarina, Brazil

born in 06/15/1961 in Mandaguari-PR, is an Electrical Engineer (1986), Master (1994) and Doctor in Electrical Engineering (2000) with the Federal University of Santa Catarina. He is currently a full professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Santa Catarina State University. His areas of interest are control systems, electrical machine actuation and power electronics.

Ademir Nied, Santa Catarina State University, Joinville – Santa Catarina, Brazil

born in 06/12/1962 in Santo Ângelo-RS, is an Electrical Engineer (1987), Master (1995) and Doctor in Electrical Engineering (2007) with Federal University of Minas Gerais. He is currently an associate professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Santa Catarina State University. His areas of interest are electrical machines, control of electrical drives and neural networks.


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How to Cite

P. C. da Silva, H. B. Polli, D. dos S. Matos, J. de Oliveira, and A. Nied, “Vector Control of a Single-Phase Induction Machine with Scott-T Connection in the Stator and Estimation of Velocity with Sliding Mode Observer”, Eletrônica de Potência, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 157–164, Jun. 2019.



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