A Simple Self-Clamped High Step-Up DC-Dc Converter Employing Coupled Inductor


  • Eduardo S. Hass Department of Electrical Engineering, Federal University of Technology of Parana (UTFPR), Ponta Grossa- PR, Brazil
  • Claudinor B. Nascimento Department of Electrical Engineering, Federal University of Technology of Parana (UTFPR), Ponta Grossa- PR, Brazil




Boost converter self-clamped, High Efficiency, High step-up dc-dc converter


This paper proposes a high-voltage-gain boost-based converter employing a coupled inductor. The proposed circuit presents high efficiency, absence of clamping circuits for limiting the voltage spikes over all semiconductor devices and reduced number of components. Besides employing a coupled inductor, the converter also has two stacked capacitors in its output. Thus, the total voltage gain is defined by the duty cycle, the turns ratio of the coupled inductor and the sum of these two capacitor voltages, resulting in the high gain of the system. It is demonstrated that the efficiency is high, because extreme duty cycle values are avoided. Its steady-state operating principle are presented. So, it can be observed that maximum voltage spikes on the all semiconductors (main switch and diodes) is equal to the output voltage Vo, turning the proposed converter suitable for applications where voltage levels on the load need to be not too high (400 V - 600 V). Finally, experimental results in by open loop control are presented for 30 V and 48 V input voltages, 400 V output voltage, 100 kHz switching frequency and 300 W output power.


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Author Biographies

Eduardo S. Hass, Department of Electrical Engineering, Federal University of Technology of Parana (UTFPR), Ponta Grossa- PR, Brazil

born in 10/27/1992 in Ponta Gossa-PR is an electronic engineer (2015) and master (2017) with the Federal University of Technology – Parana. His areas of interest are: power converters, digital controllers and renewable energy processing.

Claudinor B. Nascimento, Department of Electrical Engineering, Federal University of Technology of Parana (UTFPR), Ponta Grossa- PR, Brazil

born in 06/05/1971 in Tubarão-SC is an electrical engineer (1994), master (1996) and doctor (2005) in Electrical Engineering with the Federal University of Santa Catarina. He is currently a titular professor at the Federal University of Technology – Parana. His areas of interest are: lighting system, power factor correction circuits and new converter topologies.


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How to Cite

E. S. Hass and C. B. Nascimento, “A Simple Self-Clamped High Step-Up DC-Dc Converter Employing Coupled Inductor”, Eletrônica de Potência, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 204–213, Jun. 2019.



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