A High-Performance Pll Observer for Sensorless Three-Phase Induction Motor Control
Field-oriented control, Induction machine, Phase-Locked Loop, Speed control, Speed SensorlessAbstract
This paper presents an enhanced estimation algorithm based on the PLL (phase-locked loop) approach, which is used to estimate the rotor speed in induction motors (IM) drives. It can be challenging to obtain an accurate estimate during frequency ramps using existing PLL schemes. Thus, the performance of PLL schemes can be degraded during the acceleration and deceleration operations when applied to motor drives. In addition, the performance of conventional PLL scheme estimation is negatively affected by disturbances, for example, DC offsets. One of the novelties of the proposed speed observer (HPPO - High-Performance PLL Observer) is error normalization, which is based on the currents and a mechanism of variable gain based on the reference speed. The reference speed is also used to build an additional feedforward adjustment action. These modifications improve estimator results during load insertions and at low rates. In order to validate the proposed HPPO algorithm, it is implemented experimentally in a laboratory prototype using a 2.2kW IM. The motor is driven by a three-phase pulse width modulation (PWM) power converter, which is controlled by a DSP TMS320F28069. Numerical analysis and experimental results are carried out to validate the proposed scheme's high performance.
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