Unraveling Bidirectional Converter Capabilities: a Didactic Platform for Proving Dual-Direction Operation Based on Current Injection
Bidirectional, Converter, ReversionAbstract
In recent years, due to the exponential increase in the use of electric vehicles and microgrids, many studies have been conducted on bidirectional converters. However, laboratories are not always able to validate the bidirectionality results due to cost and complexity. Then, in this paper a new didactic platform to prove the bidirectional power flux in bidirectional power converters is presented. This platform works alongside with the control system to ensure a current injection and guarantee the power flux reversion in bidirectional converters. Besides that, also are presented the principle of operation, control system, mathematical modeling and instrumentation system. Finally, to validate the theoretical analysis the simulation and experimental results are presented proving the bidirectionality of two power converters working in 500 W.
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