Experimental Evaluation of a Multifunctional System Single-Stage Pv-Shunt Active Filter Under Partial Shading Conditions
DC-AC power converters, Distributed power generation, Maximum power point trackers, Photovoltaic systems, Power conditioning, Shunt active filterAbstract
Distributed solar photovoltaic (PV) generation is becoming more popular. Similarly, the number of electronic loads has increased along with the need to improve power quality. The PV-Shunt Active Filter (PV-SAF) is a system capable of injecting the PV power generated in the electrical grid and eliminating harmonics of current and reactive power of the local installation load. In the single-stage topology, the PV array is connected directly to the SAF DC bus, without the need for an intermediate DC-DC converter. In this paper, a three-phase single-stage PV-SAF system is evaluated in partial shading conditions. For this, a Global Maximum Power Point Tracking (GMPPT) technique capable of quickly tracking the point of maximum power even in the presence of several peaks in the power-voltage curve of the PV array is proposed. A night-time mode is implemented for the system operation when there is no PV generation. The instantaneous power theory and the adaptive hysteresis band current controller are used to control the SAF currents. The results obtained through an experimental prototype show that the PV-SAF system with the control strategies adopted is capable of simultaneously injecting into the grid the maximum power of the PV system and compensating harmonics and reactive power.
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