Direct Vector Control With Fuzzy Current Controller for Three-phase Induction Motor


  • Jos´e L. Azcue-Puma DSCE/FEEC/UNICAMP - Campinas - SP - Brazil
  • Alfeu J. Sguarezi Filho CECS/UFABC - Santo Andr´e - SP - Brazil
  • Ernesto Ruppert DSCE/FEEC/UNICAMP - Campinas - SP - Brazi



Direct Vector Control, Fuzzy Controllers, Induction motor


This article proposes a Direct Vector Control (DVC) method with a Fuzzy Logic Current Controller (FLCC) for three-phase induction motor. The conventional DVC method has two PI current controllers. With the aim to reduce the quantity of these controllers, we propose a single FLCC to substitute both PI controllers. The FLCC calculates the quadrature components of the stator voltage vector which are necessary to maintain the load. The rule base for the proposed controller is defined as a function of the stator current error components, and FLCC utilizes trapezoidal and triangular membership functions for the fuzzification of its inputs. The switching frequency is constant with the space vector modulation technique used in the DVC method. The performance of the proposed FLCC controller is analyzed through several tests such as: trapezoidal and triangular speed profile, step change in speed and step change in load with constant speed. The simulation and experimental results show that the proposed FLCC ensures decoupling current control and low current ripple, validating the proposed controller.


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Author Biographies

Jos´e L. Azcue-Puma, DSCE/FEEC/UNICAMP - Campinas - SP - Brazil

was born in Peru in 1981. He received his college education at Universidad Nacional del Altiplano in Peru, and received his bachelor degree in Electronics Engineering in 2004. He received his Master degree in Electrical Engineering in 2010 from University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in Brazil. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. studies at School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UNICAMP. His primary areas of interest are electrical machines, ac drives, power electronics, intelligent electrical drives, fuzzy controllers and fuzzy systems. Mr. Azcue is student member of IEEE and member of Industrial Electronics Society of IEEE.

Alfeu J. Sguarezi Filho, CECS/UFABC - Santo Andr´e - SP - Brazil

received his bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering from Faculdade Area 1, his Master ´ degree and his Ph. D. degree from Campinas University in Brazil, respectively in 2005, 2007 and 2010. He was working as researcher at Campinas University by FAPESP pos-doctoral program from 2010 to 2011. Now, he is a professor at Federal University of ABC - UFABC, in Santo Andr´e, Brazil, teaching in the areas of Electrical Machines, Power Electronics and Electrical Drives. His research interests are machine drives, doubly-fed induction generators, power control, and electrical power systems.

Ernesto Ruppert, DSCE/FEEC/UNICAMP - Campinas - SP - Brazi

received his bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering and his Master and PhD degrees from Campinas University in Brazil, respectively in 1971, 1974 and 1983. From 1972 to 1978 he had been working at Electrical and Computer Engineering School of Campinas University as an Assistance Professor in the Electromechanical Energy Conversion area, from 1979 to 1983 he had been working for General Electric in Brazil designing large induction and synchronous motors and working as an Application Engineer dedicated to large motors and generators, from 1983 to 1989 he had been working for Vigesa Heavy Equipments in Brazil designig very large hydrogenerators and also performing commissionig testes in some hydro power plants in Brazil. From 1989 to 1992 he runned his own company dealing with electrical installations and from 1992 up to now he is working as Full Professor at the Electrical and Computer Engineering School of Campinas University, in Campinas, Brazil, researching and teaching in the areas of Electrical Machines, Power Electronics, Drives and Electrical Power Systems.


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How to Cite

J. L. Azcue-Puma, A. J. S. Filho, and E. Ruppert, “Direct Vector Control With Fuzzy Current Controller for Three-phase Induction Motor”, Eletrônica de Potência, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 917–925, May 2013.



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