A Led Street Lighting System Supplied By Mains Or Battery With An Integrated Control And Monitoring Network
control network, Flyback Converter, IEEE 802.15.4, LED street light, Peak Load TimeAbstract
This paper presents a LED street lighting system designed for applications where it is important to remove the lighting energy consumption from the mains during the Peak Load Time (PLT) or to implement a street lighting system capable of maintaining the lighting during mains fault. The proposed system consists of only one flyback converter capable to supply the LEDs by mains or by battery and a control network. A design methodology of the proposed system is presented aiming high power factor, so that the same converter can be used in the power factor correction stage. Such converter is also used to recharge the battery. The complete circuit was implemented and experimental results are shown in order to validate the design methodology, which complies with the IEC 61000-3-2 standard. The control network enables disconnection of the street lighting system from the mains during peak load time, reducing its impact in the distributed power system automatically at overload conditions. It also allows to reduce the power consumption, decrease the management cost and monitor the status information of each street lighting unit. In order to meet the system requirements, a wireless sensor network is employed. Field tests have been performed on IEEE 802.15.4-compliant wireless control units. The obtained experimental results show that the proposed distributed control network is able to meet the requirements of a LED street lighting system.
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