A Neural Network Controller For The Direct Power Control Of Doubly Fed Induction Generator
constant switching frequency, Direct Power Control, Doubly-Fed Induction Generator, Multilayer perceptron, Neural Network ControllerAbstract
In this paper a direct power control strategy for a doubly-fed induction generator by using an artificial neural network controller with the multilayer perceptron structure is presented. The control variables direct- and quadrature-axis rotor voltage signals are directly generated by proposed controller from both stator current and voltage that are measured by Hall sensors. The input variables of the control system are the rotor speed, the active and reactive power references and their respective errors. The proposed control strategy allows that the converter connected to the rotor terminals operates with constant switching frequency which simplifies the design of the AC harmonic filter and as well as prevents their power losses. To validate the proposed control strategy, digital simulation and experimental tests are performed for a 2.25\,kW doubly-fed induction generator. A TMS320F2812 DSP is used to implement the neural network controller.
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