Two-phase Three-wire Shunt Active Power Filter Control by Using the Single-phase P-Q Theory
Active Power Filters, Electric vehicles, Power conditioning, Power quality, The p-q theory, wo-phase electric systemsAbstract
This paper presents a study of a shunt active power filter (APF) to be applied to two-phase three-wire electric networks. The application of this new APF is presented and possible topologies are discussed. The control algorithm of the APF is based on the single-phase p-q theory, which is briefly reviewed. Then, alternative–αβ transformations for voltages and currents are proposed to implement the single-phase p-q calculations. These adaptations are followed by the description of the proposed current reference calculation algorithm. Digital simulation and experimental results validate the effectiveness of the proposed shunt APF and control algorithm in compensating current harmonics, reactive power and imbalances of two-phase three-wire loads, even under distorted mains voltage condition.
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