"laboratory": A Project-based Learning Example on Power Electronics


  • J. M. Guerrero Universidad de Oviedo, Department of Electrical Engineering, Gijon - Spain
  • J. García Universidad de Oviedo, Department of Electrical Engineering, Gijon - Spain
  • P. García Universidad de Oviedo, Department of Electrical Engineering, Gijon - Spain
  • P. Arboleya Universidad de Oviedo, Department of Electrical Engineering, Gijon - Spain




European Higher Education Area (EHEA), International Master Degree, Power Electronics Laboratory, Project-Based Learning


his paper presents the experience of applying project-based learning (PBL) on power electronics in the context of two official Master degree courses. The discussion covers both strategic and implementation topics, from the initial conception of the Master and the subject, to practical implementation issues. The final conclusions show recommendations from experience for enhancing the learning experience in coming editions of the subject that might also be useful for other academics.


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Author Biographies

J. M. Guerrero, Universidad de Oviedo, Department of Electrical Engineering, Gijon - Spain

was born in Gijon, Spain in 1973. He received the M.E. degree in industrial engineering and the Ph.D.degree in electrical and electronic engineering from the Eletrôn. Potên., Campo Grande, v. 19, n.4, p. 430-437, set./nov.2014 437 University of Oviedo, Gijón, Spain, in 1998 and 2003, respectively. Since 1999, he has occupied different teaching and research positions with the Department of Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering, University of Oviedo, where he is currently an Associate Professor. From February to October 2002, he was a Visiting Scholar at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA. From June to December 2007, he was a Visiting Professor at Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN, USA. His research interests include power converters’ control, wind energy applications and sensorless control. Dr. Guerrero is member of IEEE. He was the recipient of an award from the College of Industrial Engineers of Asturias and León, Spain, for his M.E. thesis in 1999, the University of Oviedo Outstanding Ph.D. Thesis Award in 2004 and three IEEE Industry Applications Society Conference prize paper awards. He has been coauthor of more than 20 journal papers and more than 40 conference papers.

J. García, Universidad de Oviedo, Department of Electrical Engineering, Gijon - Spain

was born in Madrid, Spain, in 1975. He received the M.Sc. and PhD. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Oviedo, Asturias, Spain, in 2000 and 2003, respectively. In December 1999, he joined the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department of the University of Oviedo, where he is currently an Associate Professor. He has been visiting professor in the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RS, Brazil in 2012, and in Università di Roma-La Sapienza, in 2013. His research interests include power electronic converters (power topologies, control schemes and modelling), digital control, integration of stages, magnetic components, Energy storage systems, lighting electronics and industrial applications. Dr. Garcia is co-author of more than 30 journal papers and more than 60 international conference papers in power and industrial electronics. He is Senior Member of the IEEE since 2011.

P. García, Universidad de Oviedo, Department of Electrical Engineering, Gijon - Spain

was born in Luanco, Asturias, Spain the 10th of July 1975. He received the M.S. and PhD degrees in electrical engineering and control for the University of Oviedo, Gijon, Spain in 2001 and 2006 respectively. He is currently an associate professor with the Department of Electrical, Computer and Systems Engineering, University of Oviedo. For the period of 2002-2006 he has been awarded a fellowship of the Personnel Research Training Program funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education. In 2004 he was a visitor Scholar at the University of Madison-Wisconsin at the Wisconsin Electric Machines and Power Electronics Consortium (WEMPEC). His research interest includes AC drives, sensorless control, AC machines diagnostics, electrical energy conversion and storage, magnetics bearings and signal processing. Dr. García is IEEE member for 13 years. He belongs to the Industry Applications Society, Power Electronics Society, Industrial Electronics Society and IEEE Young Professionals. He has been awarded with three Industrial Drives Committee prizes and one IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.

P. Arboleya, Universidad de Oviedo, Department of Electrical Engineering, Gijon - Spain

Oviedo 1977 Received the M.Eng. and Ph.D. (with distinction) degrees from the University of Oviedo, Gijón, Spain, in 2002 and 2005, respectively, both in electrical engineering. He is Senior member of the IEEE Power and Energy Society since 2013 and was a recipient of the University of Oviedo Outstanding Ph.D. Thesis Award in 2008. Nowadays, he works as an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Oviedo (with tenure since 2010). In 2013, he was a visitor professor at the University of Rome (La Sapienza). He worked several years in the field of electrical machines design and faults detection, participating in more than 20 research projects with companies like ABB, Arcelor, EdP, REE, Hidrocantabrico, CAF. Presently his main research interests are focused in the electrical networks modeling and analysis techniques, he worked with conventional transmission network analysis but he also developed models for DC traction networks and special distribution networks like microgrids with embedded distributed generators. Dr. Arboleya is Senior member of the IEEE Power and Energy Society since 2013 and he is reviewer of IEEE transactions like IEEE transactions on Power Systems, IEEE transactions in Power Delivery, IEEE transactions on Smart Grid and IEEE transactions on Industrial Applications.


Official Webpage of the EECPS Master Course: http://mastereecps.uniovi.es (last access: 07/18/2014)

Official Webpage of the EMMC STEPS Master Course: http://www.emmcsteps.eu (last access: 06/16/2014)

"The Bologna Process - Towards the European Higher Education Area", EU, http://www.ehea.info/Uploads/Declarations/BOLOGNA_DECLARATION1.pdf/ (last access: 07/18/2014)

Webpage of the European Commission for Education and Training: http://ec.europa.eu/education/lifelong-learning-policy/ects_en.htm (last access: 07/18/2014)

"Ordaining the Official University Education" Official Spanish Bulletin, RD 1393/2007, BOE no. 260/2007, Tuesday, October 30th, pp 44037

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P. Bauer,, J.W. Kolar, "Teaching Power Electronics in the 21st Century", EPE Journal. Vol. 13 no. 4 November 2003. https://doi.org/10.1080/09398368.2003.11463546 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/09398368.2003.11463546

Official learning guide of the subject "Laboratory": http://sies.uniovi.es/ofe-pod-jsf/web/asignatura/infoAsignatura.faces (last access: 07/18/2014)




How to Cite

J. M. Guerrero, J. García, P. García, and P. Arboleya, “‘laboratory’: A Project-based Learning Example on Power Electronics ”, Eletrônica de Potência, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 430–437, Nov. 2014.



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