Design Of An Elevator Prototype Propelled By A Linear Induction Motor


  • T. R. Fernandes Neto University of Ceará- Electrical Engineering Department Campus do Pici, P.O.Box 6001, ZIP code: 60.455-760, Fortaleza ,CE - Brazil
  • R. S. T. Pontes University of Ceará- Electrical Engineering Department Campus do Pici, P.O.Box 6001, ZIP code: 60.455-760, Fortaleza ,CE - Brazil



elevators, drives, linear induction motor, Power Electronics


This work aims at the design of a roped elevator prototype, which uses a linear induction motor (LIM) as a traction machine. It is also concerned with the development of a specific inverter to feed the linear motor that allows several ways to drive the elevator through a suitable choice of the RMS voltage levels, angular phase displacement and electrical frequency of the output voltage. The result tries to establish a new concept for elevators through a new construction technique and assembly of the system with counterweight, which increases the reliability and comfort with cost reduction.


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Author Biographies

T. R. Fernandes Neto, University of Ceará- Electrical Engineering Department Campus do Pici, P.O.Box 6001, ZIP code: 60.455-760, Fortaleza ,CE - Brazil

was born in Fortaleza-CE, Brazil, in 1981. He received the bachelor degree in electrical engineering from Fortaleza University, Fortaleza, in 2004 and the master degree (M.Sc) in electrical engineering from Ceará Federal University, Fortaleza, in 2007. At this moment, is doing his Ph.D thesis in the Laboratory of Power Electronics and Control Drives, Darmstadt University of Technology, Darmstadt, Germany, on “Research of a short primary linear drive with contactless energy transmission”.

R. S. T. Pontes, University of Ceará- Electrical Engineering Department Campus do Pici, P.O.Box 6001, ZIP code: 60.455-760, Fortaleza ,CE - Brazil

was born in Fortaleza-CE, Brazil, in 1956. He received the bachelor degree in electrical engineering from Ceará Federal University, Fortaleza, in 1979, the master degree (M.Sc) in electrical engineering from Brasilia University, Brasilia, in 1983 and the Ph.D degree in electrical engineering from Uberlandia Federal University, Uberlandia, in 2003. Since 1979, he has been Professor of the Ceará Federal University. His research activities include ac drives, linear electric machines and industrial energy efficiency.


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How to Cite

T. R. F. Neto and R. S. T. Pontes, “Design Of An Elevator Prototype Propelled By A Linear Induction Motor”, Eletrônica de Potência, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 181–187, Aug. 2009.



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