The Complex Controller Applied To The Induction Motor Control


  • Alfeu J. Sguarezi Filho DSCE-FEEC-UNICAMP CEP 13083 - 852 , Caixa Postal 6101 , Campinas - SP, Brasil
  • Ernesto Ruppert DSCE-FEEC-UNICAMP CEP 13083 - 852 , Caixa Postal 6101 , Campinas - SP, Brasil



Complex gain controller, Complex Transfer Function, Direct torque control, Field orientation, Induction Motor Control


This paper presents a design and tuning method of the complex gain controller, based on the three-phase induction motormathematicalmodel complex transfer function to be used in induction motor control when the machine operates at low speed which is a problem so far. The complex gain controller was applied in the direct rotor field orientation controlmethod and also on the direct torque control method. It was designed and tuned using the frequency-response function of the closed loop system. The complex gain controller presents low complexity in the inductionmotor control implementation. Experimental results were carried out for the controller validation.


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Author Biographies

Alfeu J. Sguarezi Filho, DSCE-FEEC-UNICAMP CEP 13083 - 852 , Caixa Postal 6101 , Campinas - SP, Brasil

received his bachelor degree on Electrical Engineering from Faculdade Area 1 and his Master degrees from Campinas University in Brazil, respectively in 2005 and 2007. He is working now toward the PhD degree at Campinas University. His research interests are electrical machines drive, electrical power systems, power control and doubly-fed induction generator for disperse generation use. Mr. Sguarezi is SOBRAEP member since June 2007.

Ernesto Ruppert, DSCE-FEEC-UNICAMP CEP 13083 - 852 , Caixa Postal 6101 , Campinas - SP, Brasil

received his bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering and his Master and PhD degrees from Campinas University in Brazil, respectively in 1971, 1974 and 1983. From 1972 to 1978 he had been working at Electrical and Computer Enginneering School of Campinas University as an Assistance Professor in the Electromechanical Energy Conversion area, from 1979 to 1983 he had been working for General Electric in Brazil designing large induction and synchronous motors and working as an Application Engineer dedicated to large motors and generators, from 1983 to 1989 he had been working for Vigesa Heavy Equipments in Brazil designig very large hydrogenerators and also performing commissionig testes in some hydro power plants in Brazil. From 1989 to 1992 he runned his own company dealing with electrical installations and from 1992 up to now he is working as Full Professor at the Electrical and Computer Engineering School of Campinas University, in Campinas, Brazil, researching and teaching in the areas of Electrical Machines, Power Electronics, Drives and Electrical Power Systems.


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How to Cite

A. J. S. Filho and E. Ruppert, “The Complex Controller Applied To The Induction Motor Control”, Eletrônica de Potência, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 201–209, Aug. 2009.



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