Configuration 5S: a bi-directional AC-DC converter


  • Euzeli Cipriano dos Santos Júnior Federal University of Campina Grande



Bi-directional converter, DC-AC Converter, Static Converter


This paper proposes a bi-directional ac-dc converter to be applied in Energy-Control-Center (ECC) in order to interface dc variables, such as battery energy storage system and ac conventional utility grid. Such power electronic solution guarantees: (i) bi-directional power flow between dc and ac converter sides, (ii) independent control in both sides, (iii) high level of integration, and (iv) implementation of two functions using a unique power conversion stage. Despite proposing a new solution, this paper presents an analysis of the converter in terms of: PWM strategy, dc-link capacitor variables, switches variables, low-pass-filter specification employed at the output converter sides and a comparison with a conventional solution. Simulation and experimental results are presented as well.


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Author Biography

Euzeli Cipriano dos Santos Júnior, Federal University of Campina Grande

received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Federal University of Campina Grande, Campina Grande, Brazil, in 2004, 2005, and 2007, respectively. From 2006 to 2007, he was a Visiting Scholar with Electric Machines and Power Electronics Laboratory, Texas A&M University, College Station. From August 2006 to March 2009, he was a Professor at the Federal Center of Technological Education of Paraiba, Brazil. From December 2010 to March 2011, he was a Visiting Professor at the University of Siegen, Germany, sponsored by DAAD/CAPES. Since March 2009, he has been with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Federal University of Campina Grande, where he is currently Professor of Electrical Engineering. His research interests include power electronics and electrical drives. Since 2010 he is the IEEE Student Branch Counselor of the UFCG.


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How to Cite

E. Cipriano dos Santos Júnior, “Configuration 5S: a bi-directional AC-DC converter”, Eletrônica de Potência, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 529–537, May 2012.



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