Critical Evaluation Of Fbd, Pq And Cpt Current Decompositions For Four-wire Circuits


  • Fernando P. Marafão Campus de Sorocaba, Unesp – Univ Estadual Paulista Av. Três de Março, 511, Sorocaba, SP – Brazil – 18087-180
  • Helmo K. M. Paredes University of Campinas, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering Av. Albert Einstein, 400, Campinas, SP – Brazil – 13083-970
  • Luiz C. P. da Silva University of Campinas, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering Av. Albert Einstein, 400, Campinas, SP – Brazil – 13083-970



Current decomposition, FBD-theory, Harmonics, Homo-variables, Power theory, pq-theory, Unbalanced systems


This paper investigates the major similarities and discrepancies of three important current decompositions proposed for the interpretation of unbalanced and/or non linear three-phase four-wire circuits. The considered approaches were the so-called FBD Theory, the pq-Theory and the CPT. Although the methods are based on different concepts, the results obtained under ideal conditions (sinusoidal and balanced signals) are very similar. The main differences appear in the presence of unbalanced and non linear load conditions. It will be demonstrated and discussed how the choice of the voltage referential and the return conductor impedance can influence in the resulting current components, as well as, the way of interpreting a power circuit with return conductor. Under linear unbalanced conditions, both FBD and pq-Theory suggest that the some current components contain a third-order harmonic. Besides, neither pq-Theory nor FBD method are able to provide accurate information for reactive current under unbalanced and distorted conditions, what seems to be done by means of the CPT.


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Author Biographies

Fernando P. Marafão, Campus de Sorocaba, Unesp – Univ Estadual Paulista Av. Três de Março, 511, Sorocaba, SP – Brazil – 18087-180

was born in José Bonifácio, Brazil in 1975. He received his B.S. degree (1998) in Electrical Engineering from Unesp – Univ Estadual Paulista, Brazil. In 2000 and 2004 he received, respectively, his Master and PhD degrees from University of Campinas, Brazil. His current interests are mainly concerned with different power definitions under multiphase nonlinear systems and its applications in power conditioning and revenue metering. He held in 2002, a visitor student position at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Padova (Italy), working on digital control techniques for active power filters. In 2005 he joined the Group of Automation and Integrating Systems at Unesp, Sorocaba, Brazil, where he has been an Assistant Professor. Since 2007, he is also an external Professor of the Electrical Engineering Department of the Campus of Bauru (Unesp). Dr. Marafão is a member of the Brazilian Power Electronics Society (SOBRAEP), Brazilian Automatic Society (SBA) and IEEE.

Helmo K. M. Paredes, University of Campinas, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering Av. Albert Einstein, 400, Campinas, SP – Brazil – 13083-970

was born in Puno-Perú. He received his B.S. degree (2002) in Electrical Engineering from Arequipa National University (UNSA), Perú. In 2006 he received his Master degrees from University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil. Currently, he is a PhD student at UNICAMP. His current interests are mainly concerned with power quality evaluation and power definitions under multiphase nonlinear systems. MSc. Paredes is a member of the Brazilian Power Electronics Society (SOBRAEP), and IEEE.

Luiz C. P. da Silva, University of Campinas, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering Av. Albert Einstein, 400, Campinas, SP – Brazil – 13083-970

was born in Brazil in 1972. He graduated in electrical engineering from the Federal University of Goiás, Brazil in 1995, and obtained MSc and PhD degrees in power systems engineering from the University of Campinas, Brazil, in 1997 and 2001 respectively. He worked as a visiting researcher at the University of Alberta, Canada, in 1999-2000, and as a guest professor at the Technical University of Denmark, in 2008. Since 2002 he is with the University of Campinas, Brazil, where he is an Associate Professor. His main areas of interest are power system stability and control and distributed generation.


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How to Cite

F. P. Marafão, H. K. M. Paredes, and L. C. P. da Silva, “Critical Evaluation Of Fbd, Pq And Cpt Current Decompositions For Four-wire Circuits”, Eletrônica de Potência, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 277–286, Nov. 2009.



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