Performance Analysis Of A Neural Flux Observer For A Bearingless Induction Machine With Divided Windings


  • José Álvaro de Paiva Dept. of Inf. Tech., Federal Inst. of Education, Science and Technology of Rio G do Norte, Natal, RN, Brazil.
  • Valcí Ferreira Victor Coord. of Ind. Area, Federal Instit. of Education, Science and Technology of Tocantins, Palmas, TO, Brazil
  • Andrés Ortiz Salazar Dept. of Computing Eng. and Automation, Federal University of Rio G do Norte, Natal, R.N, Brazil.
  • André Laurindo Maitelli Dept. of Computing Eng. and Automation, Federal University of Rio G do Norte, Natal, R.N, Brazil.



Bearingless machine, DSP, flux estimation, Induction machine, neural network, vector control


This article presents a system of vector speed control using neural estimation of rotor flux for a 1.1 kWatt winding bearingless three-phase induction machine. The neural estimator is composed of two multilayer feedforward linear networks and substitutes the estimator based on the inverse model of the machine, in which undesirable characteristics such as non-linearity and parametric variations that generate flux estimation errors are observed. The inputs of the developed networks are the currents in vector coordinates of the rotor flux and the mechanical speed of the machine, and their outputs are the angular speed of the rotor flux and the magnetization current. The vector controller operates in conjunction with radial position and current controllers. The control algorithm is implemented in a Digital Signal Processing (DSP) with six PWM monophasic inverters at 10 kHz switch frequency.


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Author Biographies

José Álvaro de Paiva, Dept. of Inf. Tech., Federal Inst. of Education, Science and Technology of Rio G do Norte, Natal, RN, Brazil.

, is 36 years old, was born in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. He is graduated by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte since 1996, where also obtained the following titles: specialist in automation of industrial processes (1998), Master in Electric Engineering and Doctor in Electric Engineering (2007).His researches are concentrated on the industrial system control. He is teacher of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte since 1998 where teaches contents of Hardware, Electricity and Electronic Circuits. Nowadays, he is developing researches in the system of petroleum leaks detection on the Automation Laboratory.

Valcí Ferreira Victor, Coord. of Ind. Area, Federal Instit. of Education, Science and Technology of Tocantins, Palmas, TO, Brazil

, is 41 years old, was born in Santa Cruz, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. He is graduated by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte since 2000, where also obtained the title of Master in Electric Engineering and is currently a doctoral candidate in electrical engineering. His researches are concentrated on the bearingless machine. Nowadays, he is teacher of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Tocantins since 2005.

Andrés Ortiz Salazar, Dept. of Computing Eng. and Automation, Federal University of Rio G do Norte, Natal, R.N, Brazil.

, was born Lima, Peru, in 1956. He received the B. S. in electronic engineering from the UNIPeru and M. Eng. and DSc. degrees from COPPE-UFRJ in 1989 and 1994, respectively. He is presently a Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and the Department of Computer and Automation Engineering of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, since 1994. He accomplished postdoctoral in the Science University of Tokyo - Japan. His research interests include power electronics, electrical machine of activate and automation and control of systems.

André Laurindo Maitelli, Dept. of Computing Eng. and Automation, Federal University of Rio G do Norte, Natal, R.N, Brazil.

, was born in Bento Gonçalves, RS, Brazil, in 1965. He received the M. Eng. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Brasilia (UnB) in 1988 and the DSc. degree in Electronic Engineering from Aeronautics Technological Institute (ITA) in 1994. He is professor of Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte since 1990 and currently he works in Computer and Automation Department. His research interests include theory and applications of predictive, adaptive and intelligent control systems, industrial instrumentation and measurement systems. He is currently manages many research projects applied in Petroleum Engineering.


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How to Cite

J. Álvaro de Paiva, V. Ferreira Victor, A. Ortiz Salazar, and A. Laurindo Maitelli, “Performance Analysis Of A Neural Flux Observer For A Bearingless Induction Machine With Divided Windings”, Eletrônica de Potência, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 107–114, May 2010.



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