Design Of A Robust Model Reference Adaptive Voltage Controller For An Electrodynamic Shaker
Discrete-Time Control, Pulse-Width Modulated Inverters, Robust Adaptive Control, ShakersAbstract
This paper presents in detail the design of a high performance sinusoidal voltage controller for switching-mode AC power amplifiers intended to drive electrodynamic shakers. To obtain good reference tracking performance and stability over a wide frequency range and guarantee robustness under the effects of parameter variations and harmonic distortions, a model reference adaptive control scheme is employed. A very simplified model of the electrodynamic shaker is considered. The back electromotive force is dealt as unknown disturbance and the inductance of the armature is not modeled. The control strategy is digitally implemented and the design procedure requires only basic information about nominal electrical parameters of the shaker and the power amplifier. Fixed and swept frequency experimental tests performed up to 2 kHz demonstrate the feasibility of this solution. The implementation of the voltage controller is also described.
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