Digital Sliding Mode Controlled Three-phase Boost Inverter Implemented In A Dsc


  • Priscila dos Santos Garcia Giacomini Santa Catarina State University – UDESC Mail Box 631, Zip Code: 89.223-100, Joinville, SC, Brazil
  • Luiz Carlos de Souza Marques Santa Maria Federal University – UFSM. Av. Roraima Nº 1000, Camobi. Zip Code: 97105-900 - Santa Maria - RS – Brazil
  • Marcello Mezaroba Santa Catarina State University – UDESC Mail Box 631, Zip Code: 89.223-100, Joinville, SC, Brazil



DC-AC Converter, Variable Structure Control, Three-Phase Boost Inverter


This paper presents a Digital Variable Structure Controlled Three Phase Boost Inverter. The main usage of this converter is to provide the necessary AC voltage to a three-phase induction motor from batteries. The variable structure control, which is a hysteresis based control methodology, was implemented using a TMF320F2812 Digital Signal Controller (DSC). The theoretical analysis, basic equations and the design methodology is presented in this work. The converter’s main advantages are only one stage to boost and invert the battery energy and small number of components.


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Author Biographies

Priscila dos Santos Garcia Giacomini, Santa Catarina State University – UDESC Mail Box 631, Zip Code: 89.223-100, Joinville, SC, Brazil

was born in Joinville, SC, Brazil, on December 8, 1981. She received the B.S and M.S degrees in electrical engineering from State University of Santa Catarina, Joinville, SC, Brazil, in 2005 and 2007 respectively. She is currently working in products development area at Weg Industry S.A, Jaraguá do Sul, SC, Brazil

Luiz Carlos de Souza Marques, Santa Maria Federal University – UFSM. Av. Roraima Nº 1000, Camobi. Zip Code: 97105-900 - Santa Maria - RS – Brazil

received the M.S. and the Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, SC, Brazil, in 1996 and 2001, respectively. He is presently Titular Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil.

Marcello Mezaroba, Santa Catarina State University – UDESC Mail Box 631, Zip Code: 89.223-100, Joinville, SC, Brazil

was born in Videira, SC, Brazil, on November 20, 1972. He received the B.S., M.S. and the Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, SC, Brazil, in 1996, 1998 and 2001, respectively. He is presently Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at State University of Santa Catarina, Brazil.


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How to Cite

P. dos S. G. Giacomini, L. C. de S. Marques, and M. Mezaroba, “Digital Sliding Mode Controlled Three-phase Boost Inverter Implemented In A Dsc”, Eletrônica de Potência, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 155–162, Aug. 2008.



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