Photovoltaic System For Supplying Public Lighting As Peak Demand Shaving


  • Edilson Mineiro Sá Jr. Energy Processing and Control Group, Electrical Engineering Department, Federal University of Ceará
  • Sergio Daher Energy Processing and Control Group, Electrical Engineering Department, Federal University of Ceará
  • Fernando L. M. Antunes Energy Processing and Control Group, Electrical Engineering Department, Federal University of Ceará
  • Cícero M. T. Cruz Energy Processing and Control Group, Electrical Engineering Department, Federal University of Ceará
  • Kátia M. Silva Energy Processing and Control Group, Electrical Engineering Department, Federal University of Ceará
  • A. Ribamar Figueira Energy Processing and Control Group, Electrical Engineering Department, Federal University of Ceará



ballast, charge controller, microcontroller, PV systems


This paper describes the design and implementation of a grid connected photovoltaic system aimed to supply energy to the public lighting during the time of high peak demand of the grid. The system is made of two main parts: the solar energy storage unit and the lighting unit. The energy storage unit is composed by a PV panel operating at its maximum power point (MPP) and a battery charger. The lighting unit is composed by an electronic reactor (ballast) for high pressure sodium (HPS) lamp, that operates with zero-voltage switching (ZVS), and a flyback converter to boost the battery voltage to the level required by the electronic reactor. The interconnection between the electric grid and the proposed system is made by a rectifier with a power factor correction (PFC) stage connected in dc link of the electronic reactor. A microcontroller determines if the battery bank or the grid supplies the lighting unit. Simulation and experimental results for the proposed system supplying a 70W HPS lamp are presented. A prototype, which is in continuous operation for more than two years in the field, is also presented.


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Author Biographies

Edilson Mineiro Sá Jr., Energy Processing and Control Group, Electrical Engineering Department, Federal University of Ceará

was born in Fortaleza, Brazil in 1975. He received his BSc. degree from the Federal University of Ceará in Electrical Engineering in 2000 and MSc. Degree in 2004. Currently, he is doctor student in Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil. His main research interests include power supplies, power factor correction techniques, renewable energy systems, ballast (electronic reactor) and illumination with High Power LEDs.

Sergio Daher, Energy Processing and Control Group, Electrical Engineering Department, Federal University of Ceará

B.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from Federal University of Paraíba in 1995, MSc. Eng. Degree from Federal University of Ceará in 1997 and Dr degree from University of Kassel, Germany in 2006. His main research interests include power supplies, renewable energy systems and multilevel converters.

Fernando L. M. Antunes, Energy Processing and Control Group, Electrical Engineering Department, Federal University of Ceará

B.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from Federal University of CearáBrazil, in 1978 B.Sc. degree in Business and Administration from the State University of Ceara-Brazil, MSc degree from the University of São Paulo (Brazil), in 1980 and PhD degree from Loughborough University of Technology – United Kingdom (UK) in 1991. He is a lecturer at Federal University of Ceará Brazil, teaching Power Electronics and Electric Machines at graduate and undergraduate levels, and doing research in Power Electronics and its application to renewable energy systems. He coordinates the Energy Processing and Control Group of the DEE of the UFC where research projects are carried out with financial support of research development agencies and public and private companies. He is member of The SOBRAEP, SBA and IEEE.

Cícero M. T. Cruz, Energy Processing and Control Group, Electrical Engineering Department, Federal University of Ceará

B.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from Federal University of Ceará in 1990, MSc. Eng. Degree in 1993 from University Federal of Santa Catarina and Dr degree from University Federal of Santa Catarina in 2002. He is a lecturer at Federal University of Ceará (Brazil), teaching Power Electronics at graduate and undergraduate levels. His main research interests include power supplies, alternative energy systems, rectifiers, PFC and resonates converters.

Kátia M. Silva, Energy Processing and Control Group, Electrical Engineering Department, Federal University of Ceará

B.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from Federal University of Paraíba. She works as an engineer of COELCE, the electricity distribution utility of Ceará, Brazil.

A. Ribamar Figueira, Energy Processing and Control Group, Electrical Engineering Department, Federal University of Ceará

B.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Fortaleza – UNIFOR. He works as an engineer of COELCE, the electricity distribution utility of Ceará, Brazil


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How to Cite

E. M. Sá Jr., S. Daher, F. L. M. Antunes, C. M. T. Cruz, K. M. Silva, and A. R. Figueira, “Photovoltaic System For Supplying Public Lighting As Peak Demand Shaving”, Eletrônica de Potência, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 113–120, Jul. 2007.



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