FPGA-Based Space Vector Modulation of an Indirect Matrix Converter
AC-AC Conversion, FPGA, Indirect Matrix Converter, Matrix ConvertersAbstract
The insertion of powers sources onto the grid require an energy processing stage between generator and electrical grid, which adapts amplitude and frequency levels for alternating current (AC) quantities. The Indirect Matrix Converter is a candidate for such operation, although one of the greatest challenges of the topology lies in a way to command the switches while controlling the structure power-flow, as well as the synchronism between source–converter and converter–grid. Hence this paper presents a different view on the converter modelling and proposes a FPGA-based method to perform the Space Vector Modulation (SVM) and synchronism algorithms minimizing the resource consumption, focusing on digital processing algorithms and resource sharing to reduce resource consumption and the number of multipliers employed, ideal for implementation in low-cost FPGAs. Experimental results are shown using a prototype, demonstrating the efficacy of the implementation and verifying the converter behaviour.
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