Repetitive-Based Control for Selective Active Filters Using Discrete Cosine Transform
Active filters, Discrete Cosine Transformation, Harmonic compensation, Phase-Locked Loop, Repetitive control, Selective FilteringAbstract
This paper proposes selective harmonic current compensation using a closed-loop repetitive controller. The controller is based on measuring the line currents. It performs the compensation of specific harmonics selected by a DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform) digital filter, which is self-adjusted to track utility frequency deviations by means of a Phase Locked Loop (PLL) system. Compared to conventional solutions, this approach allows full compensation of selected harmonics, even if the active filter has limited bandwidth. This method also requires a simpler algorithm than, e.g., the synchronous frame harmonic regulators and its complexity is independent of the number of compensated harmonics. Moreover, it is more appropriate for DSP implementation and less sensitive to rounding and quantization errors when finite word length or fixed-point implementation is required. Simulations and experimental results confirm the theoretical expectations.
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