An Efficient Maximum-power-point-tracking Controller For Grid-connected Photovoltaic Energy Conversion System


  • Marcelo G. Molina Argentinean National Research Council for Science and Technology – CONICET
  • Domingo H. Pontoriero National University of San Juan – UNSJ
  • Pedro Enrique Mercado Argentinean National Research Council for Science and Technology – CONICET



Adaptive Duty Cycle Algorithm, Boost Converter, Digital Signal Processor, Maximum Power Point Tracker, Photovoltaic System


This paper investigates the effectiveness of the “Perturbation and Observation” (P&O) method and “Incremental Conductance” (IncCond) method through simulations carried out by using SimPowerSystems of MATLAB/Simulink®. Both the steady-state and transient characteristics of each control algorithm are fully analyzed and compared by using a proposed performance index. Finally, a new MPPT control algorithm based on an enhanced incremental conductance method is proposed in order to improve the efficiency of the PV power generation system at different climatic and load conditions. An adaptive duty cycle perturbation step size is made dependent on the sensitivity of the PV array power to the previous perturbation in order to obtain a fast dynamic response and accurate tracking of the MPP. Digital simulations and experimental results demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed technique.


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Author Biographies

Marcelo G. Molina, Argentinean National Research Council for Science and Technology – CONICET

was  born  in  San  Juan,  Argentina,  on  April  12,  1973.  He  graduated  as  Electronic  Engineer  from  the  National  University  of  San  Juan  (UNSJ),  Argentina  in  1997, and received the Ph.D. degree from the UNSJ in 2004. During  2004,  he  did  part  of  his  doctorate  in  the  Federal  University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Brazil. Since 2004, Dr. Molina  is  an  Associate  Professor  of  Electrical  Engineering  (IEE/UNSJ)  and  Researcher  of  the  CONICET.  His  research  interests    include    simulation    methods,    power    systems    dynamics   and   control,   power   electronics   modeling   and   design,  and  the  application  of  energy  storage  in  power  systems.  Dr.  Molina  is  a  Member  of  the  IEEE  Power  Eng.  and Power Electronics Societies.

Domingo H. Pontoriero, National University of San Juan – UNSJ

was born in San Juan, Argentina, on  November  3,  1954.  He  graduated  as  Electromechanical  Engineer from the UNSJ, Argentina in 1980. Eng. Pontoriero is  currently  Associate  Professor  of  Electrical  Engineering  at  the  UNSJ  and  Researcher  of  the  IEE/UNSJ.  His  research  activities  focus  on  dynamic  simulation,  power  electronics,  photovoltaic   energy   conversion   systems   and   control   of   electric power systems.

Pedro Enrique Mercado, Argentinean National Research Council for Science and Technology – CONICET

was  born  in  San  Juan,  Argentina,  on  August   26,   1953.   He   graduated   as   electromechanical   engineer  from  the  UNSJ,  and  received  his  Ph.D.  from  the  Aachen University of Technology, Germany. Dr. Mercado is currently  Professor  of  Electrical  Engineering  at  the  UNSJ  and  Researcher  of  the  CONICET.  His  research  activities  focus   on   dynamic   simulation,   operation   security,   power   electronics, economic operation and control of electric power systems. Dr. Mercado is a Senior Member of the IEEE Power Engineering Society.


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How to Cite

M. G. Molina, D. H. Pontoriero, and P. E. Mercado, “An Efficient Maximum-power-point-tracking Controller For Grid-connected Photovoltaic Energy Conversion System”, Eletrônica de Potência, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 147–154, Jul. 2007.



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