Optimized Design Methodology and Maximum Efficiency Tracking Algorithm for Static IPT Chargers in Electric Vehicles
Electric Vehicle, Inductive Power Transfer (IPT), Optimization Design, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Wireless Charger, Wireless Power Transfer (WPT)Abstract
In recent years, technologies related to the electrification of transportation have attracted significant attention. Among these, wireless charging stands out, even facing numerous challenges concerning design and parameter optimization. Consequently, this article introduces a novel design methodology to improve the performance of inductive power transfer (IPT) systems for wireless charging applications in electric vehicles. The methodology considers operational limits of switches and passive components. By using a combination of Newton-Raphson and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithms, the proposed approach efficiently determines both electrical and physical parameters of converters and coils to achieve maximum efficiency at a chosen operational point. Furthermore, a Maximum Efficiency Point Tracking (MEPT) algorithm is employed for optimal system operation. The proposed methodology is validated through experimental analysis using a 3.6 kW setup. Results demonstrate a power transfer efficiency around 89.4 %, while ensuring that current and voltage levels remain within safe operating areas for the components.
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