Design and Autonomy Evaluation of a Power Supply for Long Range IoT Devices Using Magnetic Field Harvested Energy from High Current
IoT, Harvested Energy, Supercapacitor, Electronic Circuits, Magnetic Field, Performance Evaluation, AutonomyAbstract
This study introduces a circuit designed to enhance energy conversion and storage, facilitating autonomous and sustainable operation from harvested magnetic energy in IoT devices. Through comprehensive experimentation and analysis, the circuit’s performance and reliability were assessed, showcasing its potential to provide a dependable power supply to IoT networks. Furthermore, various scenarios with different operation cycles and component combinations were simulated to validate the circuit’s potential. The findings indicate that integrating strategies such as energy redundancy using supercapacitors and magnetic field energy harvesting can be effective without the need for batteries or optimization circuits. The autonomy tests and predictions indicate that the system can go several days even without the total interruption on the energy source.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Rafael da Silva Ferraz, Sóstenes Gutembergue M Oliveira, Horacio Tertuliano dos S. Filho, Cláudio Bastos da Silva

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